
Showing posts from November, 2017

TSTV Giving Out Free Decoders as the Satellite TV Launches Nationwide on November 1st

Nigeria Telcom Satellite Limited and owners of TSTV, are currently still giving out free decoders for test running on its launch date, Wednesday, November 1st, the said day sales is supposed to commence. Here is a statement the company issued on their website; ************************* Good Morning Nigerians. Its November 1, 2017, the appointed date for TSTV launch nationwide. Thousands of free units of TSTV PR Decoders have been deployed nationwide through our accredited dealers. We implore those who have received TSTV PR units to test our services and kindly drop their assessment on our facebook inbox and official email address. To ensure we reach more Nigerians throughout this test period, TSTV Management have launched TSTV transmission nationwide and all our channels are Free to Air for one month. We are very conscious of the need to offer Nigerians value. That is why we have opened all our channels for free. We are doing all of this because Nigerians need t...

Jaylee to the World Get ready for the most anticipated Drummer vs Dj concert this November

The very much anticipated Drummer versus DJ concert tagged ‘Jaylee to the World’ holds this month. The one of its kind event is scheduled to hold on Sunday, November 26, 2017 at E-centre, Sabo, Yaba. Come and experience energetic drumming from the drummer with the magical hands, Jaylee and non-stop scratches on the wheels of steel by talented DJ Sleam as they give us undiluted entertainment. The event will feature Drummer vs DJ competition, solo performances, dance competitions and other exciting activities. Date: 26th November, 2017 (Sunday) Venue: E-Centre, 1-11 Commercial Avenue, Sabo, Yaba. Time: 4:00PM (BLACK CARPET) Dress code: Dress ready to party!!! Follow on Instagram @jayleetotheworld & Joshua Vincent on Facebook for more information.

Make A Cash Flow From Bulksms Reselling Business

Bulk SMS business is the Fast paying and steady business rocking right now in Nigeria. Online Forex Trading seems to have lost its appeal. Before revealing the secret of how bulksms reselling business can make you a millionaire I will first explain to you in a clear terms of “what is bulk sms and how it works”. What is Bulk SMS First, SMS means Short Message Service. Bulk SMS is simply a way of sending simple text messages to numerous contacts at once using the internet instead of your cellphone and you need not go through your telecom service provider. Am not quite sure the Nigerian Telecom operators such as MTN, Glo, Celtel, Zain, Etisalat etc love this idea, because it robs them of the abnormal revenue they make from Nigerians for each SMS sent via their networks. The telecom providers charges for SMS is higher than that offered by bulk SMS resellers. Now if you don’t know what is bulksms I strong believe that this brief explanation above will clarify you. Lets q...

A Business Plan On Establishment Of A Photo Studio

The photography business is one that is highly thriving globally. In Nigeria alone, there are thousands of photographers in this field. The photography business is a profitable business venture and it is open for any aspiring entrepreneur to come in and establish. Since there are many studio houses, the truth is one’s company can only thrive if it is strategically planned/positioned. As an aspiring entrepreneur in photography, you can choose to start on a small, medium or large scale. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strength Our strength lies in the fact that we have the zeal and determination to succeed. Another factor that counts to our advantage is our background. We have a fairly robust experience in the business and also a pretty good academic qualification to match the experience acquired. Weakness We do not take for granted the facts that we have weaknesses. In fact, the reality that we are setting up a photo studio business in a city with other smaller and larger photo studio business...